It’s time for the freedom to marry worldwide!
Same-sex couples now share in the freedom to marry in 39 COUNTRIES on all 7 CONTINENTS (up from zero 20 years ago).
1.34 BILLION PEOPLE (nearly 18% of the global population) live in countries where same-sex couples have the freedom to marry
There is A MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE, EXPERTISE, AND EXPERIENCE proving that when marriage discrimination ends, families are helped and no one is hurt.
Why Marriage?
Marriage matters – and same-sex couples want and need the freedom to marry for the same mix of reasons as different-sex couples. Celebrating same-sex couples’ love, strengthening their families, and affirming their quality under the law has brought joy, dignity, security, and connectedness to millions of people.
About Freedom to Marry Global
Since the United States affirmed the freedom to marry in 2015, momentum for marriage equality has continued to surge around the world – as Colombia, Malta, Germany, Australia, Austria, Taiwan, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Switzerland also moved to end the exclusion of loving and committed same-sex couples from marriage.
And since 2015, a team of alumni from the victorious US Freedom to Marry campaign has been advising and assisting worldwide efforts, via a project housed at Tides Advocacy, under the banner of Freedom to Marry Global.
Freedom to Marry Global seeks to empower more activists in more countries to harness the power of marriage as both a goal worthy in itself and a strategy for propelling progress – an engine of transformation that not only enables same-sex couples to share in the freedom to marry, but breaks down stigma, sparks dialogue about who gay and transgender people are, and creates a climate favorable to other societal, legal, and legislative advances.
In a video for the Sí Acepto Costa Rica campaign, parents Vidi and Adolfo share their journey in supporting the freedom to marry for their daughter, who is a lesbian.
Freedom to Marry Global partners with campaigns to advance marriage for same-sex couples, human rights, and LGBT acceptance around the world. We offer support, coaching, and lessons learned in all facets of campaigning and organizing – including strategy, messaging, digital, coalition management, and more. These lessons on “how to win” are also applicable to causes and organizations beyond LGBT and beyond marriage.
Meet the Freedom to Marry Global Team
Make a Donation
Freedom to Marry Global and the Freedom to Marry Global Fund coach and support activists working to win the freedom to marry in countries around the globe. Make a donation by clicking here.